Limiting Belief Buster Sessions
An intensive 60 minute Transformational Coaching session to identify and begin to shift a specific limiting belief that's stopping you from achieving your goal. Sessions take place via Google Meet. You'll be able to book a day/time for your session during the purchase process.

Limiting Beliefs Impact Us All
We all have subconscious limiting beliefs that impact our ability to create a life we love. We often have no idea what's at the root of our struggling to achieve a particular goal.
One client I worked with was shocked to discover that she had a deeply-entrenched limiting belief around making more money than she needed.
Glowing Testimonial
Letting go of our limiting beliefs or identifying with them less and less, can often lead to powerful synchronicities. We're able to tap into our intuition with more ease and find ourselves taking action from a space of flow. Listen below to a client sharing how working with me impacted her positively in both her personal and business life and led to big and positive shifts.
Getting To The Root
In your 60 minute Limiting Belief Buster coaching session, we'll focus on identifying a particular limiting belief around a current goal you have.
Once identified, we'll root out the source belief - where it originated. From that place of greater clarity, you'll see how your limiting belief was trying to protect you, not sabotage you. This allows you to shift how you handle its energy going forward.​
Investment Per Session £95.00
You can also benefit from a 10% discount when you book a 3 session package.

Limiting Beliefs Keep Us Stuck
Not feeling able to keep taking the needed action steps towards your goal because you feel just plain defeated, is painful. Our limiting beliefs can leave us feeling stuck.
Another client I worked with started to lose faith in themselves. Their energy levels were so low that taking any action at all felt beyond them.
Glowing Testimonial 2
I often refer to deeply embedded limiting beliefs as core wounds. These limiting beliefs can feel so hard to shift, especially when we're not aware of them playing out in the background of our subconscious mind. In the testimonial below a client shares her experience of working with me to shift a particular core wound around 'am I saying it right?' and how it related to her work with sacred geometry and astrology.
Move From Inspiration
Taking forced action can definitely get results, but it can also leave you feeling exhausted or burnt out. Maybe the puritanical work ethic doesn't inspire you and you need to move from a more inspired place.​
When you identify and shift the limiting belief that's keeping you stuck or confused, your inner and outer world begin to shift. Shifting the belief allows you to tap into your intuition with greater ease. Your next steps then feel doable, natural and flowing.
Investment Per Session £95.00
You can also benefit from a 10% discount when you book a 3 session package.