Yve Bowen (AKA Yve Anmore) is a Limiting Belief Specialist. She has a B.A. in Development Economics, a diploma in print, radio and web, journalism and is an empowering speaker, a certified coach and workshop facilitator. Yve's Speaker Bio.
She's highly intuitive and uses her intuitive abilities to help you identify and shift your limiting beliefs. Yve is also very creative and is an author, poet, singer and songwriter too.​​
Her spiritual path: The Path of the Open Heart, is her root and her foundation. She wanted a way to combine her skills, gifts and talents in ways that would not only inspire others, but that would allow her to bring the spiritual tools and practices that have facilitated her own inner healing, directly into her work.​
(How I became a Limiting Belief Specialist)
​Trying to live a full life when you're dealing with monthly bouts of heavy depression is no joke. But for many, many years that was my life. It initially started out as healing from the trauma of an abusive relationship that started when I was 17. When I finally escaped that relationship seven years later, the depressive bouts really began to kick in and got progressively entrenched over the years.​
Until one day...
I just gave up. I stopped fighting. I accepted that this heavy feeling of drowning in negative thoughts and emotions was going to be my life. In that moment of true surrender, I heard an inner voice say.
"Now will you listen to your heart and who you're meant to be?"
And in that moment peace descended. A warm, full, weighty, peace that would return again and again when the next bout of depression was seen for what it really was. It was a call to radical self-love, self-acceptance and self-forgiveness.
I was finally ready...
I accepted the often strange spiritual experiences and shifts in awareness that became more and more frequent, and previously left me feeling like even more of an outsider. I began to honour the wisdom they contained. I culled toxic relationships from my life and began to explore the illuminating teachings that came from me asking the question:
"What is the commonality in all true spiritual teachings?"
I dove deep into that subject...
During a meditation one day I heard the phrase 'The Path of the Open Heart.' This was after years of exploring different wisdom paths, whether those paths were about spirituality, or the impact of trauma and beliefs on the mind or the body, or information that would help us understand and embrace, our unique path.​​
Because of my extreme depressive episodes and bouts of anger, I was already using mindfulness techniques to manage my feelings and emotions. I wanted to be less reactive, and actively explore my emotional triggers without judgement. I needed to plumb the depths of my beliefs about myself and others. I was willing to look at all of my internal beliefs that told me I wasn't good enough, that there was something innately wrong with me.
Accessing New Information
The information that was flowing to me via my intuition, around The Path of the Open Heart, allowed me to experience being loved without an agenda for the first time. It allowed me to explore what radical awareness and radical forgiveness looked like in real time. It asked me to look at the intention I had for my life and where I was cluttering up my present experience with traumas and beliefs from my past. ​
This rigorousness also allowed me to notice when other people were judging, berating or attacking themselves or hiding away from some belief that made them deeply uncomfortable. Whether that belief was about them or someone else.
This applied particularly to the beliefs that caused them to feel they weren't enough, or they didn't deserve to live a more fulfilling or rewarding life. Which then allowed me to support them to willingly explore what that rewarding or fulfilling life might look like and then take active steps to create that life with greater ease and flow.
I'd found my calling...
And now?
I now engage in activities and connections that bring me joy. I allow my creative nature to flow freely. I honour the parts of me that didn't know they were innately lovable. I've stopped apologising for my existence and I live life on my terms.
I pursue goals that inspire me and embrace the parts of me that know I'm here to support others to create a life they love. I feel my feelings, I accept them and myself. I've stepped into my power and refuse to accept any circumstance that would try to diminish it.
How I Support You
I offer transformational coaching, talks, workshops, and courses; where I use my skills as an intuitive, facilitator and limiting belief specialist, to connect you to your innate confidence and knowing. I support you to access unshakeable self-love, authentic joy and success grounded and nourished by, what truly lights you up from within. I've been told I have a dynamic presence and an ability to inspire others to step up and be all of who they are.
I'm the author of: First Awakenings, a collection of deceptively life-transforming short stories and spiritual guidance, and (coming soon) 'Musings On the Path'. Sharing the five elements of The Path of the Open Heart.